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What to wear under cardigans

What to wear under cardigans

What to wear under cardigans?

The Cardigan is one of the most practical patterns for the light winter seasons. Cardigans are versatile and comfortable, and they can be mixed and matched with any piece of clothing and worn for any occasion.

Do you have a romantic date planned? Pair your dress with a cardigan! Are you going to the office? With your pleated skirt and blouse, throw on a cardigan! Cardigans go with every outfit, formal or casual, and add just the right amount of flair and charm.

How to Wear Cardigans Without Looking Frumpy?

Determine which style and length of cardigan best complement your body type.

Women's bodies are all different, so some models will be more flattering on some of us than others, as in all things fashion.

Try on various types and lengths of cardigans to see what suits you best — take photos if you're uncertain — and compare.

Underneath, wear form-fitting clothing or a belted shirt

Make sure the outline underneath the cardigan is form-fitting, particularly if it's slouchy; otherwise, you'll appear larger than you are.

Under a long cardigan, a body-con dress like this one looks great.

In longer cardigans, size down

Slouchy cardigans are common among the younger generation, but let's face it: unless you're tall and thin, slouchy oversized cardigans add visual weight.

I think cardigans that are made to fit close to the body look best on me. These are frequently made of a fine-gauge knit or ribbed fabric. Although this one is very ancient, the thin ribbed material holds it close to the body.

Pay close attention to how the items match together.

After comparing multiple photos of myself wearing different cardigans, I came to another major realization. My favorites — and the ones I think they look the best — are the ones with slimmer muscles.

Show a little skin

This has less to do with the cardigan's theme and more to do with what you wear underneath it.

Many of us wear cardigans to stay warm and comfortable, so it's tempting to layer one over a turtleneck or crewneck sweater, but most cardigans look better with an open-neck top.

See how an infinity scarf adds bulk and visual weight to this sweater. The shirt under it is also very shapeless (see #2.)

Almost every woman, regardless of size or body shape, looks her best in a top that exposes her collar bones, particularly when the rest of her body is hidden.

So, if you're tired of turtlenecks and crewneck tops, consider a scoop neck instead.

Pay close attention to what's going on right now

Cardigan trends change just like every other piece of apparel, and wearing a more recent style can still make you look less frumpy — as long as it's suitable for your body type.

Though super long cardigan coats are common right now, I avoid them because they overpower my 5'5′′ frame.

However, some of the longer models, such as those that go to the knee or mid-thigh, appeal to me.

Pair a graphic tee with a long cardigan for a pleasing contrast between the graphic tee and the more refined cardigan. The Chelsea boots also help to keep the look current in this case.

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