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How to wear a white suit

How to wear a white suit

When most people think of a white suit, they think of Al Pacino in The Godfather, a Jay Gatsby-style gent from the Roaring Twenties, or Don Jonson's white suit in Miami Vice. In any case, it's not a modern reference, and if you asked most guys to try on a white suit, you'd probably get a blank stare and a smidgeon of apprehension.

Except for the most sartorially discerning, a white suit is a bold fashion statement when it comes down to it. However, when done correctly, it can be the pinnacle of gentlemanly style and a sure-fire way to stay ahead of the pack in terms of fashion. We'll show you how to wear a white suit in modern times.

As the temperature rises, light-colored suits in lighter fabrics become more common. Although white is the most daring of the bunch, it's also a perfect way to stay chic at summer cocktail parties and dinners.

Look for this suit in an unlined or half-lined version, with features including a wider peaked lapel and soft Neapolitan tailoring around the shoulders. This keeps the suit looking stylish rather than stiff or like a white version of a regular business suit.

Consider wearing your white suit with either a pale blue cotton shirt or a contrasting indigo or khaki shirt for more formal occasions. If a tie is needed, look for knitted silk ties with a woven pattern.

How to Wear a White Suit in a Casual Setting?

A white suit is a perfect hybrid: it can be done up, but with a few minor adjustments, it can quickly transition to a more casual look. A white linen suit with a well-fitted navy crew neck is one of our favorite summer looks. If you're confident in your style, try scrunching up the sleeves for a relaxed yet stylish look.

If the idea of wearing a suit without a collared shirt makes you cringe, a linen shirt is a great way to tone down the formality of suiting while still staying casual in a delightfully foppish, disheveled way. Experiment with Chinese collars and be willing to play around.

What Shoes Are Appropriate for A White Suit?

Never in contrast to other suiting times, a white suit leaves no room for error when it comes to footwear, and dark-colored shoes would undoubtedly detract from your overall appearance. They add weight and detract from the nonchalance that a white suit instills in its wearer.

Instead, choose other solutions (depending on the situation). A pair of Popular Projects sneakers in white or even blush adds attitude while still looking polished. A loafer in a lighter shade of brown or a suede espadrille, on the other hand, are both perfect choices that can be worn several times.

Shades & Materials for White Suits

Not all suits are created equal, and this is especially true of white suits. Fabric and design are crucial, and this is what will eventually set you apart from John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.

Natural vs. synthetic fibers are a convenient distinction to make while shopping. If a synthetic is in a darker hue, it can be harder to distinguish, but with white, you can tell the difference from a mile away. Look for kinds of cotton, silks, and soft wool blends instead. These may have a creamy tint to them, which is perfectly natural and conveys consistency and craftsmanship.

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