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how to wear v neck sweater?

how to wear v neck sweater

The V-Neck Sweater is a must-have because you'll need warm layering pieces for the cooler months, and it helps you to mix and match your Important Wardrobe a little better by layering it under a blazer or suit, over an oxford or semi-spread collar dress shirt, and matched with simple dark wash jeans or wool trousers and a white sneaker, boots, or oxford dress shoes. So how did I manage to leave it off this list?


Crewnecks are fine, but they're more of a casual choice. As a result, a V-Neck sweater is a must-have because it's a classy sweater. V-necks add a touch of dressy formality that a crewneck just can't match.

Don't get me wrong, I like crewnecks, but most guys don't know how to dress them properly, so they end up looking messy. I know some guys prefer the crew neck and tie or suit look, but in this situation, I will almost always pick a V-neck or cardigan sweater over a crewneck.


Famous Hollywood actors like James Dean and Marlon Brando wore T-shirts in the 1940s and 1950s, and they became very famous. T-shirts had previously been considered undergarments.

T-shirts in various colors started to appear in the 1960s. T-shirts used to come in rounded, crew-neck designs. The V-neck design was developed by brands that decided to change things up with different t-shirt colors and designs.


Yes comes first.

  • Wear them with your suits.
  • Underneath a blazer, they look great.
  • Wear them under pea coats and overcoats.
  • They're perfect for layering under leather jackets.
  • They can be worn with or without a tie.
  • Wear them with semi-spread collar dress shirts tucked into the "v"
  • Wear them and Oxford Dress Shirts with Button Down Collars.
  • Pair them with a pair of Wool Trousers.
  • Pair them with a pair of Dark Wash Jeans.
  • Pair them with a pair of white sneakers.
  • Put them on with a pair of Oxford Dress Shoes.
  • Put them on with Boots.
  • Allow your partner to borrow them to cuddle or wear.
  • When they become worn or thin around the elbows or the neck becomes stretched out, toss them out.

It’s time for NO.

  • Wear them with a dress shirt and rest the collar on top.
  • Pair them with a pair of shorts.
  • They're perfect for layering over polo shirts (ever)
  • Wear them over tees (ever)
  • Wear them without a shirt underneath – this is disgusting!
  • If they have any holes, pilling, or are worn thin around the elbows, wear them.


I tend to work with V-Neck Sweaters made of wool, either standard or merino wool. Cashmere is also a wonderful fabric, but it's a little more expensive. If you're a little colder, a wool/silk or cotton-blend sweater is a good choice; Pima cotton is also good, but it stretches out easily.


In your wardrobe, you must have at least one black V-Neck Sweater. If you already have a black one, get a navy and/or charcoal grey one. These hues will complement the rest of your Essential Wardrobe. If you want a third choice, a darker brown will go well with your existing wardrobe.

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