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How to wear a pea coat?

How to wear a peacoat

Every man's essentials include everything from a fine pair of jeans to slick boots. A classic pea coat is another item that every man should have. Despite its unappealing name, this overcoat can dress up even the most basic of uniforms.

Peruse our guide on how to wear a pea coat for a 101 on harnessing an old favorite for the ultimate go-to for this iconic style.

Pea coats may be worn in a variety of ways. They can be dressed up or down with your casual weekend looks and worn with business attire.

The most important thing to note about this piece, regardless of how you style it, is the shape and quality. You'll want to get a pea coat that fits well and won't fall apart after a few uses. When styling this piece, leave the bottom button undone, just as you would with a blazer, for a better hang when walking.

What is a Pea Coat, exactly?

A pea coat is a short double-breasted overcoat with marine roots that was traditionally made of thick Melton fabric. Wide notch lapels and larger buttons on the front of the jacket are typical features.

It was traditionally worn by sailors and is a common autumn and winter staple. This style of coat, which is structured and masculine, tends to amplify a basic sweater and jeans/chino combination. This coat stands out not just for its aesthetic value, but also for its practicality – it's a utility piece that will keep you warm during the colder months while also providing plenty of utility.

Colors in Pea Coats

The color black While Pea Coat Black is regarded as the ultimate shade, it may sometimes work against color combinations.

For a plain, but more dimensional look, pair a dark-colored pea coat with other classic colors like reds and whites on casual days. Add textured scarves and denim pieces for a bit of contrast among this dark hue, and a chino in a different tone will fit well with black.

For comfortable, casual days, a simple sweater worn under your coat is a must. A black pea coat is also a good choice for business, particularly when paired with a grey suit.

Grey pea coats are a good alternative to black pea coats. Consider carefully which colors you'd like to pair it with. White is the ideal color to pair with a grey pea coat with a lighter hue. Other common colors like navies, burgundies, and emerald greens can be paired with charcoal greys.

Pea coats are no exception to the rule that navy is the best color for almost everything. A navy pea coat looks great with a pair of blue jeans or chinos in a variety of colors on a casual day. Underneath, turtlenecks or cable knit sweaters look preppy while remaining understated.

Why Do You Wear a Pea Coat?

Pea coats today have many of the features that made them so famous among sailors in the past. The shorter cut makes it easier to get about. The double-breasted front covers you in comfort, while the broad lapels and high collar hold the cold winter air out.

Additionally, the ability to flip up the collar and lapels and button them around your neck for added cold-weather protection is convenient.

A quality pea coat's thick wool allows it to last for decades, and the fabric is still useful in an emergency: As compared to many other fabrics, wool has a higher ignition/combustion point, is flame retardant up to 1,000 degrees, and is self-extinguishing when removed from a flame.

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