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How to wear pants to a wedding?

how to wear pants to a wedding - Exemore

How to wear pants to a wedding?

Although indeed, every wedding is mostly about the two people marrying, everybody needs to nail their wedding guest look — and there's no shame in that. After all, you want to put your best foot forward when there's a talented photographer in the vicinity and the possibility of running into an ex or long-forgotten acquaintance.

When it comes to wedding attire, the first thing that most people think of is a flowy, floral gown. What if you tossed tradition out the window and didn't wear a dress at all? If dresses aren't your thing, you should wear pants to a wedding.

Since couples are more progressive than they used to be, there are fewer fashion codes at weddings these days. Some brides are foregoing traditional gowns in favor of elegant skirts, and some grooms are foregoing the traditional black tux in favor of a pastel suit.

If you're getting married, wear a white tuxedo

You can still have a "white wedding" if you're planning your wedding and don't want the typical bride-in-a-dress look. There are many all-white tuxedos and fitted white suits available these days that will make you feel powerful and stunning at your wedding.

For a polished look, pair it with a matching pantsuit

Pantsuits are tailored for women and have matching pants and coats. If you're buying a pantsuit online, double-check your measurements with a tape measure before you purchase to avoid having to return items that don't match.

You may also wear a pantsuit as separates by matching the trousers with a blouse and the jacket with other pants.

For a classic look, wear a suit with a matching jacket and trousers

Wear a double-breasted jacket to add a touch of formality. Suits come in a variety of colors, but the most popular are black and navy. Wear a white or brightly colored shirt over your jacket to avoid looking like you're going to a funeral.

It is customary to wear socks that are the same color as your pants.

You can pair pants and blazers of different colors for a slightly more relaxed or artistic look than your classic suit, for example, a grey blazer with black plants or a colored blazer with white pants.

As a fun option, try a jumpsuit

Jumpsuits are one-piece outfits that attach the top to the bottom. It will look like you're wearing a dress but will still feel like you're wearing jeans if you choose one with flowy bottoms. Jumpsuits are very flexible, so you'll be able to wear them to events other than weddings once you have one.

Jumpsuits are also available in a variety of formalities, so you can find one for a black-tie case.

Try palazzo pants for a feminine, flowy look

Palazzo pants are very long, loose pants that almost look like a maxi skirt when worn. Depending on your preference, you may get high-waisted or low-waisted pants.

If you have flowy pants with a bright design, you might want to wear them with a solid top.

For a more laid-back look, opt for cigarette pants

Cigarette pants are slim, above-the-ankle pants. Instead of a flared end, they have a straight gap at the foot. You may wear either flats or boots with cigarette pants and a loose blouse.

Invest in a fine pair of slacks or dress pants

Straight-line tailoring is popular in dress pants. Darts, which are small tucks on the upper thigh, are commonly seen on them. Not only would these look great at a wedding, but you can also wear them to work or anywhere else you don't want to be seen in jeans.

If you want to get the most use out of a pair of shoes, go for a neutral color like black or beige.

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