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How to wear men's clothes as a woman?

How to wear men's clothes as a woman?

If you're bored with your new wardrobe or want to have some fun with it by mixing and matching, a trip to the men's department is a great way to do so! I borrowed a few items from my husband's wardrobe for this article, in true borrow from the boy’s fashion. Here's how to look feminine and classic when wearing men's clothing as a woman!

There's a reason some of the hottest brands right now are offering gender-neutral collections—everyone from Diesel to Mother Denim to Zara. Increasingly, the casual clothes men and women want to wear are essentially the same.

Not all retailers, of course, have caught up. And until they do, I am more than happy to buy my oversize sweaters and button-downs in the men’s section, where the clothes fit me and are cheaper to boot.

Believe me when I say you don't need to be tall to find men’s pieces to love. Women of all sizes—even the most petite girls—can find cool pieces that provide a genuine effortlessness that's sometimes hard to come by in the ladies' department.

The oversized blazer is a men's piece

Oversized blazers, in particular, are appealing to me. My man's blazers, unfortunately (for this post), aren't that oversized on me. Either he's very small or I'm very big, but either way...

Instead of leggings and ankle boots, I would have worn this blazer with tights and flats if the blazer was a little longer. I'll be looking for a larger blazer to wear with that trendy outfit, but blazers and leggings still work!

To style it as a woman, belt oversized outerwear to flaunt your curves! Also, go for something form-fitting on the bottoms, such as tights, leggings, or skinny jeans.

Sweaters for men's wear

Women's sweaters can have a lot of items, so if you're looking for something more basic, a men's sweater is a good option. They're just great for layering!

As a woman, tuck the top in slightly so it doesn't look too boxy and/or baggy on you! If the sweater is large enough, it can be worn as a dress and paired with leggings.

White button-down shirt for men

A white button-down is one of my favorite pieces of clothing. Much more so when it's a tad too big. I think it looks great with slim-fitting jeans as well.

To wear it as a woman, embrace the perfectly imperfect look...i.e., don't be concerned with a perfectly pressed and pristine white button-down! Heels add a nice touch to this top...

Men's piece(s): white button-down + suspenders

The same top as in the previous dress, but this time with one of my favorite hidden accessories: suspenders! The suspenders are now mine and for ladies, but they were originally designed for men!

As a woman, you should wear: To retain the feminine appeal, limit your men's pieces to two or three things.

Don't worry if you don't have a boy to borrow from. You can either shop in the men's store, thrift in the men's section, or wear woman clothing items that are commonly thought of as menswear pieces, including a tweed blazer, fedora hat, suspenders, etc.

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