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how to wear joggers women?

how to wear joggers women

Joggers are fashionable right now. I'm sure you've seen them in shops for a few seasons, but they're probably just sweatpants to you. Today, some amazing members are showing us 20+ different ways to look cute in joggers.

I'll also give you some pointers on how to find joggers that flatter your figure.

First and foremost, what are joggers?

Joggers are a form of pants with a tapered calf and/or ankle.

They're usually made of sweatpants stuff, but that's not always the case– as we'll see below.

This is a long-overdue subject! The subject of joggers has come up frequently on Frump Fighters since I published the new Full Year Wardrobe Outfit Guide.

Here's how it works

Right now, joggers are common. That means that if you wear them, you will look fashionable.

Jogging is a relaxing activity. It's the latest sweatpants, but they're not just any sweatpants (as seen in the outfits below).

Moms need a relaxing environment. Although I believe that jeans and other types of pants can be comfortable, there are times during the week when you just want to put on your husband's sweatpants and relax.

At the very least, on days like these, the jogger’s trend can be incredibly useful. Since you can be ultra-comfortable and ultra-trendy at the same time.

Joggers are both convenient and fashionable, and you'll look great in them.

If you ask me, this is a possible win-win situation!

So, what's the issue with joggers?

If you don't choose the right pair, they can make you look frumpy.

The following are the two reasons that make joggers frumpy:

Stuff that isn't too formal. Cotton is a popular jogging fiber, but it lacks the structure that many body types need.

It's a tricky form. Joggers have a looser fit at the top and a tighter fit at the bottom. As a result, the wrong pair of shoes will make you look wider in the hips. Do we still need mamas with wider hips?

How to Find Flattering Joggers

Look for structured joggers.

Many of the cheapest joggers are made of stretchy cotton fabric, such as French terry cloth or with a fleece lining. Sweatpants are made of just what you'd imagine them to be made of.

You might be able to look amazing in unstructured, stretchy cotton if you are slim or have a straight body shape.

Here are a few outfit shots from when I first got my cotton pair from Old Navy.

I liked them, but after a few washes, they lost their shape and gave me the "big ass" or baggy look, which I didn't like.

Look for joggers made of polyester or nylon that are of good quality

Polyester and nylon are both thicker (if of good quality and in a thick knit) and have a soft sheen. It also doesn't pill after washing (provided it's of good quality).

As a result, joggers made of polyester or nylon seem less casual and are easier to dress up. They even help you lose weight.

Take a look at how Alison from Get Your Pretty On styled her polyester jogging pants!

Look for joggers with a slim fit

Your joggers should have a slim fit from top to bottom. Though they'll taper the most at the ankle, you don't want them to look like a balloon at the end.

Choosing the right material (twill, polyester, or nylon) for your joggers will help you achieve a slim fit.

However, regardless of how much you wash them, there are joggers made of French Terry cotton that are cut to match slim. These cotton joggers should have very little spandex/elastane in them to maintain their shape even after washing.

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