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How to wear high tops?

How to wear high tops

High tops have made a comeback. Best remembered as a trend from the 1980s, the high-top sneaker has made a comeback with a wide range of colors, models, and brands - the shoe has also become upscale with labels like Isabel, Viktor & Rolf, and Michael Kors making their high tops.

Since the shoe is so dominant, high tops can be difficult to take off. High tops, on the other hand, can really bring together a look and make you look special, trendy, and fashion-forward when worn with the right outfit.

Consider your options carefully before making a purchase

Which sneaker style do you prefer: slim or thick? A thin high top is similar to a pair of Converse sneakers, which are made of a light fabric that fits snugly against the leg when attached to the top.

A Nike Air Force 1 or Reebok Freestyle with a wider ankle and more bulk is an example of a thick edition.

The problem with thin high sneakers is that they can make your ankles look bulky and tiny if they're laced all the way up to the top.

Be aware that chunkier sneakers can make your feet appear larger than they are.

Consider your favorite brand

What have you already purchased? What is the name of the brand that not only looks good but also suits your feet? Is it possible to converse? What's up, Nike? Isn't it Reebok?

Alternatively, do you prefer to dress up in Raf Simons, Michael Kors, or Isabel Marant sneakers?

When buying high tops, the most important thing to consider is to make sure they match properly. This may seem insignificant, but it's all too easy to get the size and fit wrong, particularly when shopping online.

Consider the paint options carefully

Consider what would fit your style and what you already have in your closet that would go well with it.

High tops, like many other items, are best when kept easy. Black, like a pair of Reebok Classic Black High-tops, is the easiest and safest bet for both men and women. Keep in mind that black goes with almost everything.

White or another solid color, such as red or navy, is the next best option.

Color can be fun in small doses; you want your clothes to show your personality. However, keep such color injections to a minimum or a single color. If you want to go for bright block paint, the success of the look is entirely dependent on you.

Pair your skinny jeans with a pair of high-top sneakers

This is a great, modern look that works for both men and women, as skinny jeans are fashionable in both genders. Pair your skinny jeans, other skinny pants, or tights with sneakers with caution.

If you're wearing black jeans, for example, go with colored high tops. If you're wearing bright jeans, a more subdued shoe would be a better option.

As a general rule, don't match your converse with your jeans (unless they're both black, which is a classic and simple color).

The lower half of your outfit is accented by this look, which emphasizes the shoes.

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