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How to wear cufflinks on a regular shirt

How to wear cufflinks on a regular shirt?

How to wear cufflinks on a regular shirt?

Cufflinks are incredible! They are, indeed. When a man is allowed to wear a piece of jeweler that is both ornamental and functional? You're missing out on a lot if you haven't tried wearing cufflinks!

Cufflinks have long been associated with formal or semiformal attire for men, such as a tuxedo outfit. Others call these adaptable pieces "formal jeweler." If you want to add a personal touch to your tuxedo, cufflink shirt, or suit, these are ideal.

Modern cufflinks are available in a variety of styles. In reality, you can wear bespoke cufflinks to show your support for your favorite sports team.

However, before purchasing one, you should first learn how to put it on. You can comfortably wear your cufflinks if you have a long-sleeved shirt with the requisite holes in the cuff. This article is for you if you don't own a cufflink shirt or a shirt with a French or double cuff.

Info on how to transform a normal shirt into a shirt with a double cuff and how to wear cufflinks are given below.

Adding cuffs to a standard shirt is a viable alternative to purchasing a new shirt. It's even easy enough for beginners.

Types of cufflink

Knowing the different styles of cufflinks enables you to choose the best that resemble you, depending on the occasion itself.

1- double cuff ( French cuffs)

what makes the french cuff special is the total number of cufflink holes fastened in the shirt hem. To explain, the french cuff shirts are remarked of their lengthy sleeves which its cuff is doubled back on themselves and then fastened together with cufflinks.

2- Chain Link Cufflink

It's a distinct cufflink that is fastened with a short-chain giving a more prominent and unique look. The chain link cufflink enables the wearer to control the losses of the cuffs.

3-Ball Return Cufflink

Talking about the elegant styles of cufflinks, we have to mention the ball return cufflink which is commonly worn on formal occasions. From its name, it has a circular shape "the ball" which is fixed opposite to the decorative head.

4- knotted cufflink

The material used to produce the knotted cufflink is what makes the difference here!. Obviously, the knotted cufflink allows men to add a particular color touch to their suits.

Other common types of cufflinks

The cufflinks industry is a wide and endless fashion where fashion designers produce diverse styles to the world empowering men to try new and unconventional styles.

Besides the above-mentioned cufflink styles, we can spot the light on other distinctive styles such as locking dual-action cufflink, fixed back cufflink, hinged cufflinks, whale-back cufflink, and finally the bullet back cufflink.

Whats's your cufflink style?

As a man who loves fashion and unique attire, trying different styles based on the occasion whether it's formal or casual one is a great plus for you.

What is the best way to make a cufflink shirt?

1- Choose a shirt with long enough sleeves to be worn with the cuffs rolled up once.

2- Remove the buttons from the cuffs of the shirt.

3- Fold the cuff once to reveal the underside. When it's over, it'll be the outside.

4- Place the sleeves on a flat surface and align the open edges of the cuffs.

5- Find the original buttonholes on the sweater.

6- With the edges still aligned, draw a small line beneath the buttonhole. Remember to mark the opposite sides of each sleeve as well.

7- Sew along the ends of the lines with a backstitch. It should be almost rectangular so you can add three more buttonholes.

Cufflinks: How to Wear Them

cufflink shirts are one of the best-purchased items for men, and when it comes to the HOW we have to mention at least the single cuffs and the double cuffs.

The single cuff is similar to a standard pair of dress shirt cuffs, except it has holes on both sides. A double collar, also known as French cuffs, has two holes on both sides of the opening.

Pinch the insides of your shirt's sleeves together so they're "kissing" or pressed together.

Insert the cufflink completely into both holes on the shirt's cuff. When your arm is on the left, the face of the cufflink, or the decorative or colored portion, should face the outside.

Secure the cufflink on the backside of the cuff, depending on the style, and you're done!

When do you wear cufflinks?

When we talk about cufflinks, we're talking about real jewels for men. As a result, you must be careful when selecting cufflinks because they must complement the rest of your outfit.

Cufflinks come in a variety of styles and can be worn with either an elegant or a casual outfit; all you have to do is choose the ones that go with your outfit.

How do you apply cufflinks?

Cufflinks are a fantastic way to add a bit of class and sophistication to your ensemble. They are considered an elegant accessory for men, but that does not preclude them from being worn on a more casual basis. You could wear cufflinks every day if you wore the correct shirt with the proper cuff.

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