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How to wear chukka boots with jeans

How to wear chukka boots with jeans

A gent's footwear collection isn't complete without a pair of chukka boots. The classic shoe style is a must-have for any wardrobe, and it has a distinct aesthetic that other shoes lack.

These must-have boots are durable and trendy, perfect for casual outfits but also easily dressed up for smart ensembles. So, if you don't have a pair, now is the time to get one. All you need to know now is how to wear them for a sharp and stylish look once you've found the right option. Fortunately, we will assist you and teach you how to properly wear chukka boots.

What are Chukka Boots and how do you wear them?

Chukka boots are a timeless footwear style. They are thought to have gotten their name from the polo game, in which a chukka is a period, and became highly famous after the Duke of Windsor wore them in 1924. Ankle-length chukka boots with two or three eyelets and thin laces are known as chukka boots. They're usually made of leather or suede and come in a brown color.

Desert Boots vs. Chukka Boots

Many men are perplexed by the distinction between chukka boots and desert boots, and it's understandable. The two shoe styles are strikingly similar and appear to be related. Desert boots are a form of chukka boot that falls under the umbrella of the chukka boot category. The sole is the most obvious way to tell the difference.

Desert boots, which are based on the boots worn by British soldiers in desert wars, usually have a crepe rubber sole. In terms of content and structure, they're even more casual than other chukka boots.

When to Wear Chukka Boots? on a Casual Day!

It's easy to look casual in your chukkas. These cool boots look fantastic with jeans and go with a variety of tops and jackets.

Pair your boots with blue jeans, a white button-down, and a denim jacket for a striking look. For the perfect finishing touch, choose a casual type of chukka boots, such as a suede pattern in a brown hue.

Occasions Where Smart Casual Is Appropriate

Chukkas are a great choice for smart casual outfits because of their classic form. Choose a pair of black boots if you want to rock your boots in this way.

This will give them a more refined look and make it easier to pair them with more elegant pieces. Pair your chukkas with black jeans, a crew-neck T-shirt, and a blazer, or chinos, and a casual shirt to complete the look.

Suede Chukka Boots: How to Care for Them

It's pointless to invest in a great pair of suede chukka boots if you don't know how to care for them. Clean your chukkas regularly by first stuffing them with a newspaper to ensure they last a long time.

Then, using a suede eraser or a nail brush, gently wipe away any loose dirt and any marks. Finally, clean your boots to lift the nap and cover them with a suede protector.

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