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How to wear an ivy cap?

How to wear an ivy cap

But you've chosen to upgrade your look with an ivy hat, which is a wise choice. The ivy cap is one of the most stylish and practical flat caps available! It has a suave yet dapper style with smooth, sharp looks that can be worn with almost any outfit. Simply by wearing it with a sweater vest or a collared shirt, the look transforms from ordinary to sophisticated.

Before you start wearing an ivy hat, there are a few basic style guidelines to follow. If you pay attention, you'll be able to reap the benefits of this versatile and timeless hat style. But first, some fundamentals...

An ivy cap is a flat cap with a rigid, very short brim in front, similar to a baseball cap. It has a low crown or profile that is set forward and fastened to the brim and is made of cloth—cotton, wool or wool blends, leather, or polyester. It is a neatly cut hat with a trim pattern, constructed from three cuts of fabric and stitched from front to back, unlike the newsboy cap, which is made of eight panels and is very baggy.

What Outfits to Wear With it?

Match your ivy cap to your outfit to enhance your style. A plaid ivy cap complements a light color, spring outfit.

Ivy caps can enhance an outfit but they don't go with every outfit. They go best with collared shirts, shirts, and sweaters, or sweater vests.

Sometimes you can pull off wearing a cotton Ivy cap with jeans and a t-shirt however but it has to the right kind of cap. The solid cotton in black or navy is usually your best bet.

When Do You Wear an Ivy Cap?

Wear your Ivy cap while you're out with friends or just going about your daily routine. And if your main objective for the day is to pick up dry cleaning and buy groceries, it's the ideal way to stand out. At the very least, you won't seem to be having a typical day.

The best part about wearing an ivy cap is that it still makes you look nice, regardless of what you're doing. It's not as formal as a fedora or a pork pie hat, and it's convenient to put on as you walk out the door because it's made of fabric.

Also, wear these hats in colder weather—late winter and early spring are ideal times to wear them.

It’s types

Wool, wool blends, cotton, leather, and other fabrics are used to make ivy caps. To achieve the best look, match your fabric to your outfit.

Ivy caps come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It all depends on the look you want to achieve. The wool or wool blend ivy is a little more formal, and it's perfect for wearing with a little more upscale clothing. They are available in a variety of solid colors, but a dark navy, silver, or black would complement most color schemes.

The most versatile choice is a cotton ivy hat, which is suitable for casual wear. This is your go-to hat for going to the park or picking up the dry cleaning. It can be worn with anything from a sweater vest to a plain collared shirt or a Henley.

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