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Exemore - Egyptian Factory and online store Exports Clothing to the United States

Exemore - Egyptian Factory andonline store Exports Clothing to the United States.

Egypt is a major exporter of clothing to the United States. In 2022, Egypt exported $1.3 billion worth of clothing to the United States, making it the 12th largest exporter of clothing to the US. The main types of clothing that Egypt exports to the United States are t-shirts, jeans, and dresses.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the success of the Egyptian clothing industry in exporting to the United States. One factor is the low cost of labor in Egypt. The average wage for a garment worker in Egypt is around $2 per day, which is much lower than the average wage for a garment worker in the United States. This low cost of labor makes Egyptian clothing very competitive in the US market.

Another factor that has contributed to the success of the Egyptian clothing industry is the high quality of Egyptian clothing. Egyptian clothing is known for its high quality and stylish designs. This high quality has allowed Egyptian clothing to compete with other high-end brands in the US market.

The Egyptian government has also played a role in supporting the growth of the clothing industry. The government has provided subsidies to clothing manufacturers and has helped to improve the infrastructure of the clothing industry. This government support has helped to make Egypt a more attractive destination for clothing manufacturers.

The success of the Egyptian clothing industry has had a positive impact on the Egyptian economy. The clothing industry is one of the largest employers in Egypt and it contributes significantly to the country's GDP. The success of the clothing industry has also helped to improve the standard of living for many Egyptians.

The future of the Egyptian clothing industry looks bright. The industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, as the demand for Egyptian clothing in the US market continues to grow. The Egyptian government is also committed to supporting the growth of the clothing industry, and it is likely to continue to provide subsidies and other support to clothing manufacturers.

The following is a list of the best clothing factories in Egypt to export clothes to America:
exemore clothing factory & online store
Rivera Clothing Factory
Porto Factory
Venus Clothing Factory
Golden Star Garments Factory
Top Tex Garments Factory
These factories enjoy high quality and competitive prices, and they also offer a variety of products that meet all the requirements of male, female and children’s customers, and are distinguished by their delivery to your home.

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