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(0) How to wear a bow tie
The bow tie you choose will reveal something about your character and story. Its aided Frank Sinatra's rise to fame and James Bond's defeat of Mr. Big. Learning how to tie and style your bow tie is important before you go out to fight or serenade.
(0) What to wear with jeans men
Look no further than this quick guide to walk you through updated looks that'll keep your jeans looking sharp if you want to keep denim at the core of your wardrobe — a smart, sensible option given its durability and comfort.
(0) Wearing black in summer
When it comes to black vs. white clothes, there are two options, Put on a white outfit, A white object is white because it reflects white light, which is made up of all of the visible colors. A white shirt (or pants) will represent the majority of the light and will not become hot. Isn't it simple?
(0) How to wear a striped shirt
A striped tee ranks right up there with a white T-shirt and a denim jacket as one of my all-time favorite items. I had to include a striped t-shirt in my limited selection of must-have pieces as a girl trying to create a decent, timeless capsule wardrobe.
(0) How to wear a long cardigan
One of the most versatile pieces of clothing in your closet is the cardigan. It can transform your outfit from summer to winter, no matter where you're headed. One of the most versatile layers, it can be worn in a variety of ways. Celebrities and models alike adore this knitwear, so here's how to dress like a street-style star in a cardigan sweater.
(0) What to wear with corduroy pants
It's the decade that never stops giving, with designers drawing inspiration from its iconic style season after season. Corduroy is having a moment right now, and the '70s-inspired fabric looks great in all the best fall looks. However, how to style a pair of corduroy pants without looking like an extra from That '70s Show is a different matter.
(0) What to wear with a black shirt
Black shirt outfits for men: For as long as I can remember, one of the most common outfits for men has been one with black in it, and it's easy to conclude that black is by far the most sophisticated color when it comes to planning outfits for your day!
(0) How to wear a cap
Wearing a cap has several advantages, including relieving you of the burden of having to style your hair on bad days. But, with so many different ways to wear a cap, how do you know you're doing it in a way that's not only stylish but also helps you stand out for the right reasons?
(0) How to wear heels with jeans
A pair of feminine shoes is a sure-fire way to quickly elevate a pair of jeans (quite literally). Heels, in our opinion, are ideal for this occasion. They're stylish, fun, and there are so many different styles to choose from! Whatever kind of denim you're wearing, there's a pair of heels out there that will look great with it.
(0) How to wear a white suit
Consider wearing your white suit with either a pale blue cotton shirt or a contrasting indigo or khaki shirt for more formal occasions. If a tie is needed, look for knitted silk ties with a woven pattern. As the temperature rises, light-colored suits in lighter fabrics become more common. Although white is the most daring of the bunch, it's also a perfect way to stay chic at summer cocktail parties and dinners.