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2021, June

(0) How to wear a bucket hat
For decades, the bucket hat has been a staple accessory for men’s wardrobes. With humble beginnings in the 1940s, this iconic item became hugely popular in the 1980s and 1990s, with the ever-growing popularity of streetwear. Still, as trendy as ever, you can rock them throughout the year, no matter the season.
(0) Best wool socks for women
Choosing the right size for your feet is unimaginably important. Many women see cute wool socks on a store shelf, they blindly grab them without reading the attached size chart because They think that, as long as the socks are stretchy, they won’t irritate.
(0) Hip hop clothes for women
The inception of Hip hop art has integrated into the fashion world creating a different label for fashion which later has become, survived, not only a trademark but a way of life. Hip Hop fashion is a distinctive style that was driven and influencedه by Urban Afro-Americans.
(0) How to wear pants to a wedding?
Although indeed, every wedding is mostly about the two people marrying, everybody needs to nail their wedding guest look — and there's no shame in that. After all, you want to put your best foot forward when there's a talented photographer in the vicinity and the possibility of running into an ex or long-forgotten acquaintance.
(0) How to wear a flat cap
Flat caps are a style and design that has been around for a long time. It's one of those trends that come back into style every few years, but you'll wear yours a lot more if you live in the country. Because of this, you need it to be as flexible as possible. When it comes to picking and wearing a flat cap or hat, we've compiled a few of our best tips.
(0) How to wear men's clothes as a woman?
is it possible to wear men's clothes as women? If you're bored with your new wardrobe or want to have some fun with it by mixing and matching, a trip to the men's department is a great way to do so! I borrowed a few items from my husband's wardrobe for this article, in true borrow from the boy’s fashion. Here's how to look feminine and classic when wearing men's clothing as a woman!
(0) Cute shirts to wear with jeans
Do you have no idea how to style your jeans for a curvy figure? Not to worry, we've got two fantastic choices that will have you looking forward to your next outdoor adventure. This gorgeously chic open-collar blouse with three-quarter length sleeves is our first choice.
(0) Colors that go with orange clothes
let's take a look at why certain colors work well together and others don't. Color theory is described as "a collection of principles used to create harmonious color combinations," according to Color Wheel Pro. We look at colors as they appear on the color wheel in color theory. We can easily figure out the best ways for colors to complement each other from here.
(0) Jacket to wear overdress to wedding
Wearing a jacket over a gown or dress to a wedding may be inconvenient for those who want to show off their stunning gown or dress, so why not make the coat a statement in and of itself? Wedding coats for guests maybe even more stunning than the gown; you may not want to take them off at all and wear them as your evening ensemble. If you're unsure what to wear over a formal dress in the winter, look no further than the choices below.
(0) Is it bad to wear black to a wedding?
While wedding guest fashion trends come and go, one question seems to persist: is it bad to wear black to a wedding? Traditional etiquette codes are constantly evolving, making the dos and don'ts of wedding dresses more difficult to decipher.